Friday, May 30, 2014

Unique "Suitcase" End Table

A friend of mine posted some pics of a purchase that she
had just made...of an old suitcase.

As soon as I saw it, I knew what I would do with it.

I would make a table!!

Since this isn't actually my suitcase, I can't show 
you what I would I'll tell you ;-)
I think I would start by covering all the hardware with tape
and then spray painting it with
whatever color would look good with the handle...
Maybe a little darker color blue.

Or leave it like it is...

If you wanted to, you could recover the inside...if it was something
that you thought you would store things in.
I'm sure Joann's has some cute fabric.

I would then cut a piece of wood a little smaller than the
bottom of the suitcase and would attach some
cute legs to it, and attach the wood piece to the bottom of the suitcase!

I've seen many different versions of it's all up
to your imagination!

and now I'm on my way to the thrift stores to see what I can find 


  1. After the wedding, I may have to try this with it! What a great idea!

  2. if you do....send me a pic so I can post it :-)
