Friday, May 2, 2014

Fairy Garden Update

As soon as it decides to be spring again outside
I will take some more pics of the additions I added 
to the fairy Garden...

I got a little garden lady I put in there and something else...
can't remember what it was.

But right now it is cold and rainy and even some 
snow in the air yesterday.

For those in the Rockford Area there is a
Fairy Garden Make and Take event
happening at Pepper Creek this weekend...
Looks like fun!

until then....we have been enjoying indoor activities like the discount day and 
butterfly exhibit at
I got a "ride along" Cabbage butterfly for a while,
which was fun...although
I was afraid he was going to get smashed with my purse... hee hee


  1. ok... i commented and it did not post... what???

  2. You look so pretty! Wish I could go to the fairy garden make and take! Sounds like so much fun. :)

  3. Aw, thank you Becca! I loved your additions to yours ....they inspired me. :-)
