Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Garden Stepping Stones

My niece made these with her children and niece and nephew....
Heather used a Flour recipe:
1C - Flour
1C - Salt
1/2 C- Water
(which we don't know how it will hold up in the weather)
Shellac will definitely help with that a bit

these could also be used to paint and hang on the wall...just
push some paper clips in the back while wet and leave the loop hanging out to
use to attach string to, (to hang)...or one loop to hang on a nail

I have made these before, but used actual cement....
which is not as easy to write in....

We also used foil pie plates to put the cement in. 
and then decorated with different things...
(I will show pics of those later this week)

Also, Heather used cake decorating stamps that she found at 
Walmart to do the writing.... and then let the kids 
go to town painting

have fun...