Monday, December 10, 2012

Felt Sewn Snowman

On a snowy winter day....there is nothing better than sitting in a warm, cozy spot 
(for us it's in front of the fireplace) 
and working on a hand project.

All you need is some pieces of felt... cut out your pieces of snowman and
have them use the blanket stitch to sew them on. 
Draw on a face with sharpie or 
try your talents at sewing one on.

This is a fun projects for beginners or a pro.
You can then frame it or just hang it up somewhere.

Here are some great pictures to show you how to do the blanket
stitch if you're not familiar with it click on the link below

Friday, December 7, 2012

Tomato Cage Christmas Trees

My Friend Lori had one of these in her yard and I thought it was sooo clever and cute!  So I asked if I could use her idea and put one in my yard.....SHE SAID YES!!! Woo Hoo!   

My awesome neighbor loaned me the tomato cages and some of the lights.

(my night photography leaves a lot to be desired)

 You can use different sizes of tomato cages to give you the tree shape you want....starting with a big cage upside down and then just start stacking some smaller ones on top.  When you get to the top bend all the prongs in towards the center and put a bow on it.

String with lights and your all set.  You may want to secure the bottom with some kind of u shaped stake so that it doesn't tip over when it's windy.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas Tree Craft

 I was getting my Christmas decorations out and ran across this cute little tree that my daughter made in our homeschool co-op....years ago...I love this little tree...and it is so easy and fun to do with kids.

First you'll need a 6" tall Styrofoam cone, a new spool of thread....
(cheap, dollar store kind)

Hot glue the spool of thread in the middle of the bottom of the cone...

make sure it stands up good...  

You'll also need a piece of green felt....or whatever color you chose.
Ours is glittery on the right side.
Your piece of felt need to be cut in a semi triangular shape....and from the point to the bottom it needs to be about 8 3/4" tall....

From side to side, from each bottom peak it is approx. 12" wide or a little give you
some overlap.

You can decorate it anyway you like....but this is done by first hot gluing your ribbon on...(garland) which in this case is a measuring tape look....they were going with a sewing theme, can you tell?  :-)  Make sure you wrap it around the back side a little, so there are no raw edges showing...

Next you can sew buttons and beads on....or hot glue little applique things on.  Don't forget some kind of star or bow on top.

I would love to see a picture of yours if you make one....just send it to

I'm even getting inspired to make a white and blue one for my piano; to go with my snowman collection...or you could do a sports theme...

By the way...I haven't forgotten my snowman project...I'm on the hunt for socks...  :-)  My kids aren't little anymore, so I don't have the little colorful ones and I'm too cheap to buy them...