Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sick of Snow

I think all of this "non" spring weather is zapping my creativitiy....trying to get refocused and bring something to you this week....

I do have some ideas though.....

Friday, March 22, 2013

T-Shirt Scarf Tutorial #1

Here is a video tutorial for making a T-shirt Scarf

I edited this three different ways and ended up with a version I didn't really want...but I'm working on it....

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Scarf Style #2

Scarf Style #2
St. Patrick's Day Scarf


Just cut the hem off....then cut the rest of the shirt
off right below the arm pits.  :-)

stretch it out and loop around twice.

You have to have like a 2x or 3x shirt.

Happy St. Patricks Day!!!!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

T-Shirt Scarf #1

Very Cool!

so....I have become a huge scarf fan....and I love different looking ones.

These are so easy and inexpensive...even if you don't have an old XL 
t-shirt hanging around.....you can get one cheap at your local
thrift store.  you can also get some on the clearance racks of Walmart or
Kohl's.....sometimes you can get a shirt for $3....but the bigger it is, the better.  ;-)


this one starts with you cutting out circles with a paper plate....
then cutting the circles into spirals about 2" wide

 You need around 10 or 11 of these...
although I think I only got 8 out of mine.

next.... lay 5 on one side 
and 5 on the other side....going
into different directions.

use another one to lay the sides across
(does that make sense?)

and tie the one, across the other 10 to hold them together
.....and voila'  !!!
you have a scarf....

you can also put some fabric glue on them...glueing two at a time in the
middle and then tie your last trip on.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Sea Glass Candle Holders

When I was growing up we use to go to the Lake Erie Shore
and look for sea glass......we had tons of it, enough that my brother did all kinds of cool things with it.  I know it has become quite scarce in recent years....(which in all actuality is a good thing....since that means that there must not be as many people littering and throwing their bottles 
in the lake).   :-)

But it is a little sad. 

The most coveted of all was the blue...it was everyone's favorite.  

I saw this little craft somewhere and thought I'd give it a try and see if they looked like the beloved glass I use to collect.

Supplies are: 

 white glue, food coloring, a paint brush and some clear glass candle holders.

I made little trays out of foil to mix my "concoction" in....
which is white glue and the food coloring...
I put about three or four drops in to about 4 or 5 tbsp 
of glue

I did also wash the candle holders that I got from Goodwill and
dried them really well before starting.

Paint the OUTSIDE of the holder ONLY

2 coats is probably a good idea

I then decided to transfer them to a piece of foil to dry, because they
were dripping a little and I didn't want the paper towel stuck to the
bottom of each of them.

Hand Painted T-Shirts

Well everyone is getting spring fever around here...we are really tired of being buried in snow. ;-)

My daughter decided to get creative again this weekend and make a couple of t-shirts.  

Things you'll need t-shirts, Michaels has t-shirts pretty inexpensively or if you have a Hobby Lobby near you, they also have inexpensive t-shirts in a rainbow of colors.

You can also get stencils and fabric paint at Walmart

She also used stencils to make her letter look neat, and 
fabric paint....she's got me in the mood to make a few... 

Somebody is ready for summer...  :-)

Are your girls One Direction fans?  We're suckers for an Irish accent.  Hee hee...

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Farm Quilt

I made this quilt for my little friend Isaiah

The barn was paper pieced. 

go to Quilters Cache for hundreds of 
free quilt square patterns...