Sunday, February 3, 2013

I'm thinking....

Well here I am again to tell you that my brain is working a little slow these days to come up with crafting ideas....I am in a quilting mode right now and that tends to get me off the regular craft kick for a while.

I am doing a "block a month" quilt through a local quilt shop.  It is my first time for this and so far I'm liking it...of course it is only January.  :-)  The January block is done and I'm off to start February's block.  

I decided to ask for some of the other pieces of the quilt so that maybe I could start putting rows together....I'm not sure what I was they give these out for free?....I don't think so.  

When I got up to the register...somehow thinking she was just going to hand the fabric over...she said..."that will be $75.00......WHAT!????   again...I don't think so....eeeks!!!  for some reason my very stressed brain was not ready for that little tid bit.  So I passed on getting the rest of it for now and started thinking that maybe I should be making little monthly installments when I pick up my block each month....then it wouldn't be so bad at the end.  

I will post a pic of the first block tomorrow....or later today, as it is 3am....I'd better get this brain to bed.

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