Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Rainy day idea

Is it raining outside? 
(it has been here...for days and days)
Are your children telling you they are bored?  

Mine are

Well here is something that will keep them busy 
for a little while

years ago my mother had heard that if you go to your local newspaper they will give you the end of the roll of paper....that thing has lasted me 10 years.....

So we start with a big sheet of that paper and have your 
child lay down on the paper and trace them with a pencil and then re-outline with a sharpie....

next it is all up to them....they need to color themselves in....

I'll have to ask my little friend's mom for an updated pic.

I know some of my bigger kids and even I got in on the act and helped her was fun!!  

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